
EZI Hire’s submersible, flex-drive and trash pumps are your answer to flooded trenches and excavations, wet basements and all your other pumping needs.

Pump Drive Unit

EZI Hire’s pump drive unit can drive all our flex-drive pumps (and concrete vibrators).

  • 5.5 hp petrol engine
  • 32 kg operating weight
  • Supplied in a solid lifting frame
  • Flexible engine mounts to reduce vibration and noise

2-Inch Flex-Drive Submersible Pump

  • Use with our powerful pump drive unit
  • Heavy-duty operation
  • 51 mm (2 in) outlet
  • Petrol-driven to avoid electricity/water conflicts
  • Flex drive keeps motor away from flooded areas

2-Inch Submersible Electric Pump

EZI Hire’s submersible pumps take the pump to the water.

  • Quiet electric operation
  • Lightweight for easy transport
  • 51 mm (2 in) outlet


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